The Denver sports scene is all around us. Whether it is the professional sports teams downtown, runners around Wash Park and Sloan’s Lake, or weekend warriors hitting up cycling studios, athletes are always prone to injury. Many documentaries and TV shows have showcased the extreme measures that someRead More >
Do All Chiropractic Adjustments make a “Crack” or “Pop” sound?
There are many people around the communities of Edgewater and Denver that have questions regarding what happens during a course of treatment at our clinic. People that are unfamiliar with chiropractic are often the ones with the biggest misconceptions about what happens. The most common question relates toRead More >
Elbow and Arm Pain: Conservative Treatment Options in Denver
Does chiropractic help with elbow and arm pain? Of course! Many people know chiropractors help with many spinal related issues but do not know about treatments for extremities. Denver has a vast population that performs physical activity on a regular basis. Many citizens participate in recreational sports leagues, crossfitRead More >
Headaches/Migraines in Denver
Headaches and migraines are a chronic issue for many people in Denver. This head pain can be very debilitating and affect the daily life of those who suffer from these headaches and migraines. Chiropractic care has been shown in recent research to help relieve headache and migraine painRead More >
Denver Treatment Options for Shoulder Pain
Many people believe chiropractic care is solely for treatment of the spine and spinal pain conditions. While chiropractors do treat many musculoskeletal conditions, there are also a variety of treatment options for extremities by chiropractic clinics in Denver. Shoulder pain is a common injury that many people experienceRead More >
Fibromyalgia Treatment in Denver
Fibromyalgia is a very difficult pain condition to diagnose by medical doctors and chiropractors alike. When a patient enters our chiropractic office in Denver, it is important to rule out other conditions that may be contributing to the suspected fibromyalgia symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be administered.Read More >
Conservative Neck Pain Treatment Options in Denver
Our Denver chiropractor, Dr. Todd Williams, D.C., treats a variety of pain conditions but many people correlate chiropractic care with neck pain and low back pain. Neck pain is very general and encompasses a variety of different types and causes of pain. What Are Typical Neck Pain Symptoms?Read More >
Non-Invasive Back Pain Treatment in Denver
Low back pain is a common complaint we see in our Denver chiropractic clinic for treatment. Many times patients try to “tough it out” with low back pain or other pain conditions in their body, hoping that it will resolve on its own. While this can happen, many timesRead More >
How to Choose a Chiropractor in Denver?
There are many people in the Denver area that have never been to a chiropractor and do not know what to expect when entering a chiropractic clinic. It is a perplexing task to try and find a clinic that is suitable for you when you have not experiencedRead More >
4 Things You MUST Do If You Have Rib Pain in Denver
In our chiropractic clinic near Denver and Wheat Ridge, rib pain is a common pain condition that people inquire about to see if our chiropractor can help. Most people think they have “popped a rib out” and need an adjustment to fix this issue. What people must first understand is thereRead More >