Low back pain is a common complaint we see in our Denver chiropractic clinic for treatment. Many times patients try to “tough it out” with low back pain or other pain conditions in their body, hoping that it will resolve on its own. While this can happen, many timesRead More >
car accident
How to Choose a Chiropractor in Denver?
There are many people in the Denver area that have never been to a chiropractor and do not know what to expect when entering a chiropractic clinic. It is a perplexing task to try and find a clinic that is suitable for you when you have not experiencedRead More >
3 Useful Tips for Treating Headaches and Neck Pain
Headaches are very common among the population of the world and they can present in a variety of different ways. As a Denver chiropractor, I see many cases of headache pain walk into my chiropractic clinic looking for relief. Most of these patients have dealt with headaches orRead More >
Denver Car Accident Chiropractor
Just when you think it is time to break out the hiking boots in Golden, stroll around Belmar in Lakewood or enjoy walking around Sloan’s Lake in Denver, the state of Colorado has other plans. Snow and icy conditions brings about a variety of problems, whether it is car accidentsRead More >